Sunday, December 9, 2007

Philosophy V. Reality

There's a lot that goes into the aspect of what is and what isn't art. I know plenty of artists be it paint or acting. When is the exact point that it goes from look at me look at me to saying something important. We all want to be edgy, we all want to be taken seriously. I think when it becomes hard work to get people to understand what we are saying, that's a job.

All artists get into art because they a passionate about what they do. This is fun and I don't want to have to do something I hate. When did we become so pretentious to believe that what we say matters to anyone? WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP. Paint, sculpture, poetry,one- man show,impro, interperative dance, FUCKING puppet shows. These are all things we want to do so we do them. We can't justify that it's just something we are happy doing. So we use phrases like "what are we trying to say" and "I want someone to get something out of the experience."

Just work! Work at something you love. The reality is nobody cares.They come, they pay. Oh what a lovely production. Actors come out after the show for the after-show circle jerk. "You did great" I'm sure they mean it, but I don't need it. I just want to work. It all boils down to I don't want a real job. I don't want to deal with customers. I don't want to serve someone food. I don't want a boss that is going to be a prick to me on a regular basis. So I act. I act because on average your boss might be a prick, but you love what you do. There is no room for philosophy just be happy you don't have to end with "do you want fries with that."