Thursday, August 30, 2007

Saying Goodbye

It's hard to say goodbye to a friend. He's there all the time for me. Never judges a very simple friend. Nothing about him is complicated. I don't know how to help him. I don't know what he needs. I can't remember a time without him around. He's fading away and there's no help I can give. I guess I can just sit with him while he's still here

Monday, August 27, 2007

Croutons and comedy

I went to a Sweet Tomatoes tonight. For those of my readers who don't know what it is mix a hospital cafeteria with one of those cell phone ads with the old people trying to act hip and cool, and throw in some lettuce for good measure. I went with three other people CGRISS, ABM, and Ms. Lowers. One of the guests was starting a diet. Not being any kind of a health nut I am not a fan of just salad. I firmly believe that any good salad should be followed by a prime rib and baked potato of some sort.
However I love the company I keep so even though jokes were made I am there to support my friend. Even though I don't think for a moment that this person needs to even be on a diet, but who the hell am I to criticize someone trying to better themselves for them. All in all I had a great time, the food being something a rabbit with no sense of taste would like. I found that the company out weighed the eating experience. After a little bit of humor aimed at the expense of the unnamed individual on the diet, the conversation settled in to discussing the croƻtons and how very stale they were. I know that crouton is bread that has gone stale but they've never tasted that way. I also think Wilt Chamberlin was mentioned.....don't ask.

I think I want all of these blogs to end with something I learned, much like all of those episodes of The Brady Bunch. Of course not to be too positive, something I found to be highly problematic. I guess in my visit to Healthy Land I learned a meal doesn't have to be good. The company you keep can save a doomed meal. Getting to sit around and talk casually with three important people can never be overshadowed by salad. I think what I found to be Highly Problematic is that not only did I essentially pay14.00 for salad, I also had a good time doing it.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How the other half live

I sat in a DUI waiting room today. Watching all walks of life scurrying around with the regret of their actions on their shoulders.The room is that shade of gray that can only occur after you combined 40 different other shades of paint.I'm here as a character reference for a friend in trouble. As I sit here in this room, it makes me feel as if I had done something wrong.

I can't be sure but this room also serves as a waiting space for parole officers and drug testing. People go in sweating and come out relieved. Those involved are a motley crew. A group that never learned you should dress up for any official proceedings. Somehow in our society a pair of khakis can get you credibility. Add a polo shirt and the skies the limit.Instead they arrive in ripped jeans, basketball shorts, and the occasional Bob Marley shirt. I'm not going to point out the irony of wearing a Bob Marley t-shirt to a drug test.

I'm waiting for my turn to talk with someone who will assess my friend. She screwed up, she knows it. I guess this will serve as a reminder to her and a warning to others. I'm taken back to a place I can describe as a cubicle hell. I'm asked retarded questions about her drinking and whether or not I think she has a problem. NO I don't. What kind of character reference would I be? She had to pay for this evaluation. Is that all it is? A quick buck for the state. I find this to be Highly Problematic.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Highly Problematic is not a cuddler

Hello all. Suntzu here for the very first posting to my new blog Highly Problematic. We here hope to bring you cutting edge blogs. What is a cutting edge blog you ask??? Shit you might actually want to read. We don't really care what you think. If we did we'd ask you to contribute.
You come to HP to read what we think. Comments are welcome, but subject to being mocked at any time. We specialize in television and film. We excel in mocking crappy television and film.

Come the start of the new season you can expect many a a show review We also feel that the people who run this country should be sterilized so not to infect the rest of the world for years to come. HP is here to point out the bull shit that is trying to dress itself up and say it's Jello. Other than that nothing much left to say but welcome to Highly Problematic:)