Monday, August 27, 2007

Croutons and comedy

I went to a Sweet Tomatoes tonight. For those of my readers who don't know what it is mix a hospital cafeteria with one of those cell phone ads with the old people trying to act hip and cool, and throw in some lettuce for good measure. I went with three other people CGRISS, ABM, and Ms. Lowers. One of the guests was starting a diet. Not being any kind of a health nut I am not a fan of just salad. I firmly believe that any good salad should be followed by a prime rib and baked potato of some sort.
However I love the company I keep so even though jokes were made I am there to support my friend. Even though I don't think for a moment that this person needs to even be on a diet, but who the hell am I to criticize someone trying to better themselves for them. All in all I had a great time, the food being something a rabbit with no sense of taste would like. I found that the company out weighed the eating experience. After a little bit of humor aimed at the expense of the unnamed individual on the diet, the conversation settled in to discussing the croƻtons and how very stale they were. I know that crouton is bread that has gone stale but they've never tasted that way. I also think Wilt Chamberlin was mentioned.....don't ask.

I think I want all of these blogs to end with something I learned, much like all of those episodes of The Brady Bunch. Of course not to be too positive, something I found to be highly problematic. I guess in my visit to Healthy Land I learned a meal doesn't have to be good. The company you keep can save a doomed meal. Getting to sit around and talk casually with three important people can never be overshadowed by salad. I think what I found to be Highly Problematic is that not only did I essentially pay14.00 for salad, I also had a good time doing it.

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