Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Highly Problematic is not a cuddler

Hello all. Suntzu here for the very first posting to my new blog Highly Problematic. We here hope to bring you cutting edge blogs. What is a cutting edge blog you ask??? Shit you might actually want to read. We don't really care what you think. If we did we'd ask you to contribute.
You come to HP to read what we think. Comments are welcome, but subject to being mocked at any time. We specialize in television and film. We excel in mocking crappy television and film.

Come the start of the new season you can expect many a a show review We also feel that the people who run this country should be sterilized so not to infect the rest of the world for years to come. HP is here to point out the bull shit that is trying to dress itself up and say it's Jello. Other than that nothing much left to say but welcome to Highly Problematic:)

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