Sunday, November 11, 2007

1 month

It's been about a month and 2 days and I haven't really blogged about anything. I've been going with the flow and trying not to be so negative. Well so much for that.
Things I have found highly problematic but have ignored them
1. People who bitch about the Writers Strike
2. People who are constant slaves to Aggressive Mediocrity ( An oldy but a goody)
3. I'm so blocked with The Realm it's sick
4. People who don't know how to have a good time
5. People who think it's okay to text you to ask you to go somewhere
6. People who try to fix a new problem by going back to the original problem.(:)

I got like 6 here so I'm going to try and do one a day for the next week so stay tuned and for those who know me try not to add to this list.

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