Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cruel World

I guess we find ourselves no matter how positive we try to be, living in a very cruel world. A world where people treat responsibility like something that used to be useful. Only to find it now to irrelevant. A world where Kevin Federline is ruled by a court of law to be a more responsible parent. Responsibility gone and forgotten like anvils and eight track tapes.

It's cruel that people would rather watch shows based on 30 second insurance ads, or whatever that freak Chris Crocker is doing. They'd rather watch that than shows like Studio 60. (I know i'm almost over it) It's a very cruel world where the good people get stepped on and the mediocre come out on top.

It's especially cruel when the people of this country are directly involved in a war, but choose not to acknowledge it. It's as if we've all decided that if we ignore it people aren't dying.

It's a cruel world..................................

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