Thursday, January 10, 2008

The president is laughing cuz you voted for nader

Oh, what a wasteland politics is. Now, I'm not jaded or educated enough to get on my soapbox here and yell "REVOLUTION", but, there are a few things that I find highly problematic. Even in myself.

I've been a registered voter since the '96 presidential election, but I generally skip the "in between" elections. I haven't voted in a primary and that is why I'm all concernicus about the upcoming primary election season. I consider myself smarter than many when it comes to politics, but, I KNOW that I don't know shit about a lot of shit. My voting record is generally independent, but I've been known to vote for the "breath of fresh air" candidate for president (Perot, Nader, maybe Paul). I know very little about the candidates when I go into the voting booth, and that sucks. I know not of Huckabee, Obama, Clinton or others...only of the meager news and word of mouth that I get from varying sources. Ron Paul is the only candidate that I voluntarily researched regarding his platform on all issues. He's a breath of fresh air and his opinions generally match mine.

But, the highly problematic part is my apathy in the present and past is matched by many. I'm in no mood to discuss all of the problems with campaign finance, corruption or PACs. I don't know enough about them in the first place. I DO know that far too many people get their candidate info from biased sources, or not at all. Too many people vote by party lines, their wallet, their medicare, their gay son, what foxNews tells them, what the overly dramatic commericals tell them or god-forbid the poster boy for 9/11. (Bush/Guiliani) I vow to be more educated this time around, but can I say that for the rest of the population? I wish. And I find that highly problematic.

Vote!...but only if you know what you're voting for.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Philosophy V. Reality

There's a lot that goes into the aspect of what is and what isn't art. I know plenty of artists be it paint or acting. When is the exact point that it goes from look at me look at me to saying something important. We all want to be edgy, we all want to be taken seriously. I think when it becomes hard work to get people to understand what we are saying, that's a job.

All artists get into art because they a passionate about what they do. This is fun and I don't want to have to do something I hate. When did we become so pretentious to believe that what we say matters to anyone? WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP. Paint, sculpture, poetry,one- man show,impro, interperative dance, FUCKING puppet shows. These are all things we want to do so we do them. We can't justify that it's just something we are happy doing. So we use phrases like "what are we trying to say" and "I want someone to get something out of the experience."

Just work! Work at something you love. The reality is nobody cares.They come, they pay. Oh what a lovely production. Actors come out after the show for the after-show circle jerk. "You did great" I'm sure they mean it, but I don't need it. I just want to work. It all boils down to I don't want a real job. I don't want to deal with customers. I don't want to serve someone food. I don't want a boss that is going to be a prick to me on a regular basis. So I act. I act because on average your boss might be a prick, but you love what you do. There is no room for philosophy just be happy you don't have to end with "do you want fries with that."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Writers Strike

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the writers strike. Granted it is the worst possible time for something like this. TV is actually pretty good. So what! These people write and create the shows we love. They however are not being paid a decent amount. The producers will tell you that they make 200,000 a year that is just not true.

Be rest assured that TV will come back, it just might not be soon. Scrubs will have its finale and Heroes will go on. This is about people's ideas being stolen and no real compensation offered. Every time you see an article about the shows ending and not coming up. It is the producers trying to scare up support. They are no better than republicans.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

1 month

It's been about a month and 2 days and I haven't really blogged about anything. I've been going with the flow and trying not to be so negative. Well so much for that.
Things I have found highly problematic but have ignored them
1. People who bitch about the Writers Strike
2. People who are constant slaves to Aggressive Mediocrity ( An oldy but a goody)
3. I'm so blocked with The Realm it's sick
4. People who don't know how to have a good time
5. People who think it's okay to text you to ask you to go somewhere
6. People who try to fix a new problem by going back to the original problem.(:)

I got like 6 here so I'm going to try and do one a day for the next week so stay tuned and for those who know me try not to add to this list.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Blogging reluctantly

I find myself more and more reluctant to blog. I send all of my thoughts into the blogosphere for them to sit. I find it troubling on many levels. For one I use words like blogosphere...what kind of shit is that? I'm venting to those who decide to read and wonder if they actually read. Do they understand what I'm trying to say. I vent politically to readers that agree with me. I mean I'm preaching to the converted. A real get for me if some fundamentalist Christian were to log on and go hmmmmm he's got a point.

I don't know blogging seems to be a form of literary masturbation. Getting out my jollies one quip at a time. I need to create something worth something. Until then I'm just pretending, and I don't want to pretend anymore. I need action. It's been said you gotta give action to get action. I've always found that to be very true. I need to make something out of nothing. I need to make something that is unfunny hysterical. Who else is going to do it. It's time to get off the bench and do something worth something. Stop looking on as other people make themselves happy socially, mentally, and professionally. I need a muse someone who inspires me. Gotta get me one of those.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cruel World

I guess we find ourselves no matter how positive we try to be, living in a very cruel world. A world where people treat responsibility like something that used to be useful. Only to find it now to irrelevant. A world where Kevin Federline is ruled by a court of law to be a more responsible parent. Responsibility gone and forgotten like anvils and eight track tapes.

It's cruel that people would rather watch shows based on 30 second insurance ads, or whatever that freak Chris Crocker is doing. They'd rather watch that than shows like Studio 60. (I know i'm almost over it) It's a very cruel world where the good people get stepped on and the mediocre come out on top.

It's especially cruel when the people of this country are directly involved in a war, but choose not to acknowledge it. It's as if we've all decided that if we ignore it people aren't dying.

It's a cruel world..................................

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Have you ever had something keep nagging at you . . .

I was with our esteemed Captain of the Blog when he discovered the extremely reasonably priced caskets at Costco.

I mean sure, the price was great, and you can pick up a tray or two of snacks for after the funeral, and maybe a bag of ice and some pop for the graveyard service, but how do you buy the damned casket!?

Do they have them in the back or do you preorder? If you preorder, how long does it take for delivery? Because every time I've seen someone need to buy a casket, there was usually an immediate need to put something in it.

Do they deliver or do you have to pull the van up to the loading dock?

You see how problematic this is getting.

Furthermore, every funeral I've been involved in arranging (NOT a fun job) has started with going to a funeral director. Those people have a tendancy to be like restaurants. You don't get to buy a steak at Costco and ask the restaurant to cook it.

So that makes me think that if you start down the do-it-yourself road, you'll have to go the entire trip, and my embalming skills are just not what they ought to be.