Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Aggressive Mediocrity part 2 and Discount coffins

I had a lot of quippy statements for this blog. Unfortunately I watched Rock of Love before sitting down to write it so I'm afraid my IQ has been temporarily lowered. So I've been asked by actually a couple people what I mean when I use the phrase "aggressive mediocrity". AM as we'll call it, is when someone who is mediocre drags you down to their level. Not saying these people mean to do it, but I've always seen mediocrity as a virus. You can catch it a number of ways: 1. By hanging around someone mediocre 2. Dumbing things down for those mediocre people around you 3. It can I believe be transmitted sexually. Now how do we fight this epidemic you ask? By not only thinking you deserve the best, but actually actively seeking it out.

I sit here writing this thinking about all the times I myself have been a victim of AM. Some close to me may believe I am suffering from it now. No more I say. The one eyed man is King in the land of blind men. It is our duty as exceptional people to force ourselves to acquire the best. "But it's so hard" It is supposed to be hard. Nothing good comes easy. Those who are the lucky ones who blindly stumble on to what they want, are in for a surprise when the luck runs out. If you are comfortable sitting in a chair that just so happens to be in an annoying room; do you stay? Or do you get up and go somewhere less annoying.

It isn't going to be easy but we need to search out greatness. Rome is burning, do you sit and watch it? No! Either get a bucket of water or find somewhere else to live. Life is too short. I'd rather be happy now. Look around you. Is there someone who feels how you do? Talk to them, ask them how they deal. Who knows the answers might be right in front of your face.

Alright already enough preaching! Shut the fuck up Patrick. Get to the problematic part.
I found out today you can go to your local Cost co and buy a coffin. $800.00's. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? I have questions: 1. Are they in the stock room? 2. Who the hell would buy a coffin at Cost co?3. Can you get them in packs of 6? I mean really! Could you imagine the wake!?!?! That's a nice coffin you picked out. Yeah I was also able to grab the food for the wake, it totally saved me a trip. Cost co your one stop funeral headquarters. I echo once again WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!?

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