Monday, September 10, 2007

Mediocre Aspirations

As the summer turns to fall and the weather starts to match my mood, I begin to write more often. I've noticed more and more that people settle too often. Guys who just want someone to be their girlfriend settle thereby getting the girl involved when they are not. The girl settles for this aggressively mediocre guy who will accompany them on their long way up to the middle. Where is it written that to aspire for greatness is a crazy idea. Why can't we just hold off on purchasing a car until we've shopped around.

The days get shorter the sun sets earlier leaving the world dark and gray like my hopes for those who can't see what's in front of them. I find myself getting more and more aggressive, hoping to push my need for greater things onto others. I fall short. The people I care about are used and abused by people who i'm sure in their heads mean well. In the long run it all comes down to wasted time. Time spent pretending to care. Time spent arguing and fighting to keep something going that was never meant to be in the first fucking place.

Oh and I haven't forgotten time spent blogging my thoughts as if anyone really cares what I have to say. I don't pretend to be a relationship expert. I do know if you want to quit drinking, talking to someone who's never had the problem is useless. How does one teach to overcome if they have never experienced the problem. So no, I am not an expert. I have been involved in some pretty fucked up relationships. Some were fixed, most weren't. I don't know it's all highly problematic.

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