Wednesday, September 19, 2007

George W. Bush is afraid of monsters under his bed

President Bush said Wednesday that a law hastily passed in August to temporarily give the government more power to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign terror suspects must be made permanent and expanded. What is with this guy? I know Daddy was the head of the CIA, but does he think it's like the movies. George Sr. was having covert meetings with hot French spies. Running through the streets like in The Bourne Identity? He is so hell bent on hearing what everyone is talking about on the phone. This is what I find to be Highly Problematic. Does he really think that these people are just gonna pick up the phone, dial their secret terrorist headquarters, and start gabbing like teen age girls about the next terror target? Really? It all comes down to one thing for him. We are smart and they are dumb.

"The threat from al Qaida is not going to expire in 135 days," he said, "so I call on Congress to make the Protect America Act permanent." You know what? It might. All this hardcore shit started when you took office. Bill Clinton was a blow job getting, jew loving liberal.( God I miss Bill, it was more like having Billy D Williams as president, instead of Gomer Pyle) They didn't blow up the Twin Towers on his watch. So these problems might go away when he leaves office. What won't go away is the stains on The Constitution, because George like to use it as a bib when he eats ribs.

1 comment:

assface said...

While I agree with you that the act should be allowed to expire, I must disagree with your assertion that the problems will just "go away" when Bushy leaves office. His actions (and the appeasement of them by our congress) has created a very large ANTI-U.S. feeling around the world, and it is going to take some serious ass-kissing from our future leaders in order to fix that. We're also going to have to admit that our actions during the cold war may have actually had something to do with why we got attacked on 9/11, and that it was not an unprovoked attack (note that I do not state that the attack was justified - of course it wasn't). Of course, all of this is too nuanced and gray to be comprehensible by Joe Sixpack - so you'll never hear anyone who has a chance to win the presidency say this - see republican Ron Paul.