Friday, September 21, 2007

George W Bush doesn't care about children

WHAT!?!?! How can that be?? Yeah it's true. Ever hear about the Chip Program? I'll enlighten you.

The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is designed for families who earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid, yet cannot afford to buy private insurance for their children. CHIP coverage provides eligible children with coverage for a full range of health services including regular checkups, immunizations, prescription drugs, lab tests, X-rays, hospital visits and more.

Recently a budget was put together that is supported across party lines. It will add 35 million making it possible for 4 million more children to be eligible for insurance. So lets spell this out. Sick kids need treatment. Treatment costs money, and their parents don't have it. It seems like a no brainer. These kids can't go get a job that will give them insurance. I mean you can't get major medical working on a paper route. Do they even have paper routes anymore?? I got a crisp five dollar bill for anyone who guesses what the prez wants to do........VETO IT!!!!! He believes that this program will stop people from getting insurance from private insurance companies. You know the people who add to his already large bank account

When the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future visit him; I hope they kick him in the balls. Kids are the one thing that most people can agree need help. How many times have we heard "come on it's for the kids"? I fall for it all the time. If we've learned anything this week from OJ Simpson is what goes around comes around. Like I said when it comes around I hope it hits him in the balls. It's a little immature I know, but then again so is the President

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