Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

I'm not going to leave a blog saying how we should all remember 9-11. We all remember it. We know where we were, how everyone was reacting when it happened. I am going to ask that people stop politicizing it. Six years later and are we really any safer?? Ummm well two buildings haven't been destroyed by planes in six years so yeah our record seems to be holding. Rudy Gulliani wants us all to think back to 9-11. Hell he wants us all to think about it everyday. We can think back to how his leadership was a shinning beacon to all those people who were so very frightened.

Realistically anyone who had their shit together that day is going to look good. Anyone can look like a leader when you are surrounded by people actually helping. That day solidified his impending presidential run. How many of his advisers were imagining themselves walking through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania that day. So today he goes to all the memorials, gives all the interviews, and reminds us all how he saved the day. Well guess what Rudy. You didn't save shit. Saving the day would mean all of those people would not be dead.

Hillary you aren't off the hook. You are also attending this memorial as a photo op and it's wrong. Remember this day as the day that we senselessly lost American lives. For it was the starting pistol that set the Iraq war in motion so that we could senselessly lose more American lives. So 6 years later we may be safer from terrorists. The thing we really need to look out for are the politicians.

Terrorism is the boogey man under your bed. If you turn out the lights he magically appears and gets you. Don't let your guard down for a second. Live in fear. Watch your back. Don't trust anyone. Inform on people who look like they are doing things that are suspicious. Inform on those who don't agree with the government. Sign this pledge to do whatever we tell you. Here throw these books in the fire they preach terrorism.Those people are going away because they hate freedom. Those people are going somewhere where they can't hurt your children. Don't worry you'll never see them again. Do as your told and you will be safe. Resistance is futile. Give me your arm I want to put a bar code on you.

Just getting you all ready for the future.

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