Friday, September 7, 2007

Money grubbing bastards

I wanted to do a whole thing welcoming Johnny Bourbon to to blog but he jumped the gun and started welcome Johnny. That being said lets get to work shall we?? I have many things that are problematic for you all. Girlfriend and boyfriend crap, stupid people doing stupid shit. Unfortunately the President of the United States has dwarfed everything with his bone head comments. Which ones??? I know there are a ton. Well most recently the self proclaimed boy King of America was remarking in a interview about his plans after he gets out of office. People are dying in a war he started and he's already checked out like a Senior in May

The New York Times on Sunday published excerpts from interviews with Bush for a book by Robert Draper to be published."I’ll give some speeches, just to replenish the ol’ coffers.” “I don’t know what my dad gets, it’s more than fifty to seventy-five thousand dollars a speech, and Clinton’s making a lot of money".

What a miserable bastard. People want to hear what Clinton has to say because he's a great speaker and he was a great president. The same sort of goes for his Dad. As for George he will go down in history as the worst President we've ever had and I hope he doesn't make dime one.

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