Wednesday, September 19, 2007

OMG, Halle Berry is Pregnant

I was thinking. It hurt. I was thinking about the nature of the sheeple in America. It got me to thinking about the mess that is “Hollywood” and everything that goes along with it. For a long time, I’ve noticed how Hollywood’s big actors & actresses nearly always had some groundbreaking news that always seemed to coincide with the release of a new movie or show. But, of course, Hollywood is not the only industry that pulls a similar stunt; the music industry is guilty of this (notice the news that comes out when a musician has a new album coming out), heck, our government, too. The government is always ready to whip up a small scandal to direct our eyes from the big one.

What I notice most is the marriage/divorce/pregnancy rate among those in the entertainment industry. I’m telling you, the target demographic in this country sure loves to know when their favorite stars tie the knot, are back on the market or are getting a baby bump. I got to thinking, and I don’t think you all know where I’m going with this, is this staged? How much control does the Hollywood machine have over its talent? Do these individuals have free will, or does the machine tell them that it would help their career if they got married to their co-star? Does the machine TELL them who and when to marry, and when to have children? If the machine plans it, our sheeple eat it up. I can almost hear a yuppie say the line “ooh, Jenna Fischer just got divorced, we have GOT to see that new movie that she’s in”

I don’t follow the target demo, for I don’t consider myself part of the sheeple audience. If I hear a movie is good or funny, I watch it. It troubles me, though, and I find it Highly Problematic that such a suggestion about our entertainment biz can conceivably be reality.

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